So stupid, yet so funny.
Most flashes of this nature are an easy blam point, but MilanoToons have a certain charm to them, I guess. This was pretty damned funny. Nice work.
So stupid, yet so funny.
Most flashes of this nature are an easy blam point, but MilanoToons have a certain charm to them, I guess. This was pretty damned funny. Nice work.
we have charm we have soul we have love we have brain we have...
This isn't that great.
This is almost exactly like the real bumps, which are sort of cute in between Family Guy and Robot Chicken, but is it really necessary to watch a long string of them?
not really necessary to watch, but if you find a funny one here and there, that's what counts...I was gonna have some commertials put in here, but my friend was really busy, and they wouldn't have been done for a I'll just add them in whenever...thanks for the review...
That was cute.
This movie provides invaluable advice for newbies, and it was pretty funny. Nice job!
Why thank you.
Nice work.
That bit with Carrot Clock was hilarious! Good job.
We all have to start somewhere, I suppose.
With some original ideas and a better grasp of English grammar, you could go places. Not to bad, I suppose.
i just want to test my dbz fight,not the ideas,well i suppose your right!Next time whit my ninja flash fighting skill,i going to find some originals story.Thx for telling me that ^^
Great work!
This one was original, and funny! A Happy Clock Day to you, and please release the next one soon!
happy clockday
I'm in the process of writing chapter 2 (and perhaps a prologue)
but first I'm working on a musiv vid called Just
Great job!
This has some of the best animation I've ever seen in a clock movie. It may be a tad late for a "Lord of the Rings" parody, but it's perfect for today! Happy Clock Day!
It's been a while since those movies came out, I actually got prompted to do this on the release of the Return of the King extended edition DVD. But while some people may not agree, I think LotR hasn't been parodied to death yet the way other franchises have.
Not very funny.
It's kind of short, too. I'm sorry, but this just wasn't all that great. Happy Clock Day, anyway.
Thanks and Happy ClockDay
Age 39
Master of Reality
Joined on 12/18/03