This was somewhat amusing...
...But the days of All Your Base have passed. I doubt that this will pass judgement. You never know, though. It was pretty funny. Good luck to you.
This was somewhat amusing...
...But the days of All Your Base have passed. I doubt that this will pass judgement. You never know, though. It was pretty funny. Good luck to you.
Thank you. Who knows? I might bring back a trend. Sorta like Yo-yos coming back every five to ten years, ya know?
This was a cute story, with nice graphics and sound, and what's more, I'm a sucker for a Final Fantasy parody. It would be interesting to see what you could do with anime characters, but you may want to work on your writing, as there were a few boring moments. I loved the ending.
Thank you, I'll keep that in mind ^^
I'm pretty curious about what we can manage with anime characters also... alot of symbols and layers, we're still trying to get used to working in flash. But we'll try our best when the time comes!
Not bad.
This is probably going to get blammed, but I thought it was sort of cute. You should take this idea and make a real movie out of it. By the way, I LOVED the music. I've always loved that music.
Thank you for the complement, and despite your prediction, it was not blammed! Hurrah!
Nice parody.
A nice, catchy tune. I am impressed by how well the animation kept in time with the music. I'll be sure to vote 5 on this one, to counteract the clock haters. To be honest, though, I would give it a 4. Nice work.
thank you! actually, this wasn't meant to be a parody, more like a tribute or something n_n
Pretty good.
This is a pretty good movie. Your sprites aren't bad, but your frame by frame leaves something to be desired. Still, I loved the idea of Zelda and Link fighting. It was hilarious to see Link go O. J.
on Princess Zelda. Nice job.
thanks for voting, ill fix it up a bit.
That was great!
I loved the audio. It was like a glorious celebration of one of my favorite words!
Lol, thanks
Funny Sonic parody!
This was a great movie. Good animation and sound quality, and funny to boot! I was thinking the text bubbles in sprite Flashes were getting old, but the "make your tim" joke made up for that. The ending just slew me. Nice work.
Haha! Thanks.
Damn good for a first submission.
It got boring at a few points, and through most of the movie the music made the voices difficult to hear, but it was a good movie, all the same. I rather liked the ending.
Thank you... as you might be able to see, making the flash was like taking an uber-tutorial... by the final scene I was a bit more into the flow (though with a ways to go yet, I know)
Pretty good. Nice message!
I am not a wiccan, but it is refreshing to see them given some degree of respect and appreciation. I am guessing that fuckheaded priest was the killer. A question, though: Since when was goth in itself a "religion?" There are many different interpretations of what is and isn't gothic. For me, gothic is a type of architecture! Black is definately my favorite color, and I like spikes, but I wouldn't consider myself gothic, nor am I a poser. I'm an agnostic, I guess. Still, it's nice to see a message of acceptance, acceptance for all but Foamy, YOU FOAMY HATING BITCH (JUST JOKING!) But, seriously, are you just jealous of his fame? This review is becoming much to long. Nice flash. Bye!
The Gothic Religion is the Religon that real, non-Goth posers do, or, more accuratly, the REAL RELIGION that is behind the 'devil-worshipping'
A very atmospheric little movie.
I can only assume that the title is a mispelling of the word "affirmation." The imagery presented here is intriguing, and it blends nicely with the music. I'm sure that there are ways to improve it, but I can not think of any that would not take away its artistic integrity.
thank you for your compliment on the flash movie , the title afimation is correct it is a pun on the word 'animation' using the name of the artist of the song 'afi' hence 'afi-mation'
Age 39
Master of Reality
Joined on 12/18/03