Cute Thanksgiving movie.
The animation and sound were pretty good, but it was a little too short and predictable. The ending was great, though. That got a good chuckle out of me, so your mission was accomplished. Happy Thanksgiving!
Cute Thanksgiving movie.
The animation and sound were pretty good, but it was a little too short and predictable. The ending was great, though. That got a good chuckle out of me, so your mission was accomplished. Happy Thanksgiving!
Well I'm glad to hear about the mission accomplished! =)
I know it was short, but I basically did it in three days, so I didn't have time to make it longer. Hopefully the next Fred cartoon will span a few more minutes than this one! Thank you for taking the time to write a review, and I'm happy you enjoyed it!
You sick son of a bitch, har har.
It's eerie to know that a mass murderer walked among us. I love the commentary made here. I wouldn't think that the NRA deserves that kind of reputation, but they were really asking for it with some of their recent political decisions, such as supporting George W. Bush. Those who have left negative reviews fail to understand the nature of your "tribute." If they had paid attention, they would have seen the message here. Maniacal shooters are a bunch of fucking cunts, who don't deserve sympathy. Nice work.
Thanks. Glad you're clever enough to understand.
Well, it's original!
Interesting little movie you've made here! I love the idea of a first person shooter movie. Some of the film work left something to be desired, though. Some of the camera angles were terrible. Some blood effects would have been nice, too. Nice work, anyway.
Thanks a bunch. For blood effects, that is always something Matty and I are thiking of doing, if only it werent for our horrible animating skills we would try it out :P.
It needs work.
I have Flash Player 8, so that apparently isn't the problem. Either there's something wrong with my PC, or your characters were invisible. The background and speech arrows were nice though, as well as the one visible clock face. I'm pretty sure that the problem is with the movie itself, and you should look into fixing it.
Thanx LordXanthus
if you mean Mars's face i used flash's 8 effect not alpha *if know da mean*
Happy Birthday, Grandfather Clock!
This was a funny random Flash. Sort of crappily done, but I can't help but sort of like it.
That's because the crappiness was intentional. ;)
Hilarious song!
This is like Steven Lynch's work! I loved the song, but the animation was lacking. One background, and very little happening (what did happen was hilarious!) Even so, the song was worthy of a good score. Excellent work!
Thank you! Gotta love Stephen Lynch though, he's a genius. Sorry about the animation, it was sort of meant to be a fun add on.
Excellent use of sprites!
Great animation, and excellent musical choices! This was a great movie. It was like a Final Fantasy style scene with video game sprites. The battles were nicely done. You may want to work on your English for the dialogue, though. Great work with this one.
Thanks. There was a few errors on there I noticed but it took 2 damn long to update.
I can't help it, this is a good movie.
The movie was well-animated, entertaining, and sad. I must ask, however: Why are you so vehement in your defence of SevenStar? It is well known, to most of us at NG, at least, that linking to child pornography results in deletion of one's account. SevenStar fucked up, and he paid for it. He was lucky to avoid FBI questioning, actually. Seriously, Wade did nothing wrong here. Perhaps, instead of hassling Wade, you should have apologized.
Another thing: You guys aren't really leaving Newgrounds, are you? You've all made your fair share of mistakes, but I would still miss you.
hah the ss reopened the whole thing was sort of a joke.
sevenstar wasn't lucky the fbi could give less a shit
and the flash was just for fun but we'd never apologize to wade lol
One of the only decent "Wade Day" submissions.
This was actually sort of funny. I must wonder, however, if the anti-Wade movement on Newgrounds even has an understanding of the time and effort he puts into the site. There's nothing wrong with some comedic irreverance, but what is so terrible about Wade, seriously?
I don't think this was really an anti-Wade flash... more of a statement that he likes to feel like a badass on the internet. It's true. Go look at "Wade on the NGBBS 2" and you'll see some of his real posts.
He acts like an asshole on newgrounds. That's all there is to it.
He claims that it's because he's sick of getting so much shit from idiots all the time, but his brother has to do the same thing, and Tom never (or rarely) acts like an asshole.
Another reason for an overall feeling of Wade-hatred is because he hates the Star Syndicate so much, the group we're all members of. The majority of our members have never done anything wrong, but when Wade "busts" an SS member or gets mad at the SS, our whole group suffers, rather than just the people who broke the rules.
This happened awhile back with the "SS Busted" thread on the BBS. After a lot of debate with Wade, we reasoned him into only punishing a few of our members, and not the whole group. But it still ended up ruining a reputation we worked hard on improving, and killed the SS temporarily.
My personal feelings towards Wade improved lately though. A newgrounds moderator banned me simply for being a member of the SS, and I had not broken any rules. Other mods ended up arguing my case, and Wade unbanned me from everything. That's why I tried to go easy on the Wade bashing here, I only stated truth (except the beginning :P)
Thanks for the review
Not that great.
Granted, I could review this negatively based off of the fact that it attacks funny Flash movies, or NG Admins, but it's still sort of funny. So I'll be nice. You would do well to improve the quality of your animation, and add in some voice overs, though.
"funny Flash movies" you mean overrated garbage?
It does not "attack" Wade, he is just in it
Age 39
Master of Reality
Joined on 12/18/03